yesterdays and todays

Let me catch you up. The last couple of days have been a whirlwind of family get togethers, cooking, packing (not me, but the little family that have been here), going out for lunch and drinking wine. And a little weeping, yes.

A lot of homeschooling happened in the last few days because we took down some giant trees in our yard. Class was in session at random times throughout the day, as the movements of the tree guys got more interesting. And, even more homeschooling, we harvested about 60 tomatoes in the last three days.

I started one of the mornings by proofreading a paragraph for college son.

Family left Saturday morning around 9 am, after a short coffee time and a little more weeping. Cousins hugged and moms and dads and off they went. For the rest of the day, we got the house back to normal from many littles roaming the territory, and from work piling up because too much visiting. Or, perhaps, just the right amount.

And we sighed and cleaned up messes and missed all the littles. And the grown ups.

As I’ve mentioned, Rosebud is the last at home and in Grade Ten. She is a remarkably studious and academic person, as may be obvious in the choices she’s made for this school year.

Monday was our actual first day of school. We are studying Ancient Civilizations and the Renaissance concurrently, the present read aloud books include:

Philip Campbell’s Story of Civilization Volume One, Ancient Civilizations

Phillip talks about his work HERE

Shadow Hawk by Andre Norton

Eyewitness Book The Renaissance

And of course, all pertinent World Book articles as well as pulling in these books when necessary:


In other subjects, we’re doing The Divine Comedy for Dictation, Apologia Biology, Algebra One Teaching Textbooks. Online classes include Latin, Divine Comedy and Plato with Homeschool Connections.

Tomorrow I’ll talk about what I’ll do all day while she studies to her heart’s content. And perhaps what I did all day ten years ago, by way of comparison. ❤️

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