weekly planning pages, floral I print these out, back to back and put them in a binder or duotang (I prefer a duotang because they lie flat, and are easier to keep beside me whatever we are doing. You can see them put together in this blog post.
yearly homeschool planning pages
high school record keeping and transcript planning pages Print four copies, one for each grade, nine, ten, eleven, twelve…I recommend putting them together in a duotang, along with the two “working copy” pdfs linked below. Also, I would recommend a separate duotang for each person in high school - give yourself lots of space to record their doings.
high school transcript form for homeschoolers, working copy
grading scale and notes for high school, working copy
high school transcript form for homeschoolers This is intended to be the “good copy,” the one you would keep in their records, and submit in post secondary applications.