Bonnie Landry

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characteristics of class mammalia

There are some other characteristics I possess, being a mammal.  And a few interesting things regarding mammalhood.  Like the jokes call me "mama."

Coincidence?  I think not.

I do not leave my children in the murky shallows of streams like some other classes I know.  Won't mention any names.  I am warm blooded.  Some would say hot blooded.  Or hot headed.  Entirely dependent on the situation and one's grasp of English colloquialisms.

Everyone knows that mammals have hair.  Sparky has hair, although not as much of it as when we were first married.  I believe I had something to do with that.

I have a backbone, which is a bit dull because so many others have it.  It's like saying "I have feet" or "I have a need for sleep" or "I'm too busy."  Practically every animal in the world can make those claims.  Nothing to see here.

But, nonetheless, I suppose it should be mentioned.  Now, here is a truly wondrous thing about being a mammal.  The brains of mammals tend to be larger and more well developed than those of other kinds of animals.  Who would guess?  If you have ever had any kind of social interactions with chickens you may understand why this is exciting.

There are some aspects of Class Mammalia which are of little interest to me and probably even less to others.  They are something about the heart, something about the ear and something about the jaw.  If I ever feel even the slightest interest in those things, perhaps I will address those aspects of mammalhood in some future post.  But I doubt it.