Bonnie Landry

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the gift of breastfeeding

Breastfeeding a child is a gift given twice.  The gift of health benefits, of a close bond between mother and child, the gifts of healthy physical, emotional and spiritual development, are obvious.  But the other gift is perhaps less tangible, but for future generations will undoubtedly prove the greater gift.

I consider the gift of having my children grow up viewing breastfeeding as normal the greater gift.   They giggle when sexual references to breasts are overheard.  Not because it is titillating, but because it is so silly. They know the real reason breasts are so attractive!  Because they are a sign of nurture and motherhood.

Of course in the whole picture of motherhood, breasts are an innate part of human sexuality.  Breasts bring healthy sexuality full circle.  We love, we conceive, we give birth, we nurture, we set little feet on such a healthy path of development on so, so many levels. 

Attitudes towards motherhood in North America have changed tremendously over even my few years of mothering.  This change has primarily come mother to mother.  And mother to child.  It is truly a grass root movement, the fruit of which is evident in only one generation's time. 

Breastfeeding as the gift to my children is a good that I have given them. But the attitudes which have been fostered in a breastfeeding home, amongst breastfeeding families, will prove the lasting gift.