Bonnie Landry

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the autumnal garden

Rosebud and I have begun a very large fenced garden this summer, with the help of Sparky. We need large because go big or go home. We need fenced (and high) because deer. I’ve found it necessary to move ALL of my not-deer-proof flowers, ravaged this summer by the browsers (that’s a swear word euphemism) into the fenced garden and restructured the front garden so that it is all deer proof.

Not so easy, but lots of fun.

Because we (meaning me) were already knee-deep, literally, we built an herb garden and a forest path. Why yes, I did move ALL those stumps by myself.

We put the garden to bed, recently. All tucked in, it looks a bit stark and a bit adorable. In the springtime, we’ll be planting veggies and fruit, as well as more flowers. We love flowers.

At our house, this is Horticulture 101.

Rosebud has done most of the garden planning, and over the winter, we’ll be determining the best crops for our particular situation. And the best natural fertilizers for our plants and why that is.

In the ground, at present, are many spring bulbs, all my transplants, a multitude of violets because they are cute and edible, and a couple of shrubs.