Bonnie Landry

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Oh.  Man.

I had a revelation during the homily at Mass yesterday.  Don't worry, I have revelations a few times a week.  Some are just more post-worthy than others.

I actually missed the first part of the homily as Rosebud needed to use the facilities.  But when we came back upstairs, Father was talking about Matthew 11:30, "For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."  It is a well known phrase from scripture, but I sat pondering it for a moment, and I was trying to make sense of it, because, for Christians, life is generally not easy and their burden is not light if they take their faith seriously and rise to the call of living a spreading the gospel.

We are told many other times in scripture about that living according to God's will is going to be difficult.  Then a thought popped in to my head (that's what I call a revelation) It’s kind of like the Eucharist.

Christ comes to us under the appearances of bread and wine.  But He really gives Himself to us, body, blood, soul and divinity.   So, I think our yoke appears to be difficult, and our burdens appear  to be heavy, sometimes more heavy and difficult than we can possibly bear.  But they're not.

They are actually easy and light.  They only appear that difficult and heavy.  When experienced through the senses of faith. This is exciting, because it actually means that getting up 6 times a night with small children is not difficult.  It only feels difficult. That means that the burden of responsibility of raising children for the kingdom of God is actually not heavy. 

It only feels heavy.

Suffering from depression and waiting ten years for a spouse or losing someone dear to you is actually not difficult or heavy.  I wish I had known this twenty or thirty years ago.  I am not being sarcastic here, I am totally serious.   

I have to ponder this some more.
So, that's it.  Today's revelation.