Bonnie Landry

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reflecting, part one

So, look at me. Making a blog post. Returning to a #lifegoal.

In the past, writing blog posts never started with a “part one” - the parts became obvious only once I had written an initial post. Realizing that in an effort to keep blog posts short (for your sake and mine) I would limit myself to three or four paragraphs, this was insufficient for the all the thoughts bubbling in my little brain.

But this post, I knew, would take some more time, and, more to the point, more words.

I’ve reached this milestone that I knew would come and I knew would be both beautiful and difficult as all the best things are. In reality, it’s not even my milestone. It’s Our Lord’s. My last little joke has gone off to college. Right across the country.

Many people have asked me if it’s hard. And, of course it is. It always has been hard to see our children leave their nest. And I think people want to know what it will be like for them when their time comes. But it’s also thrilling. What’s hard is knowing that your time has come, you have filled them with the faith, the love, the information, the nutrition, the fun, the experiences, the memories. All the things. And your time has come to accept that your job is done. Did I do the best with what time I had?

The answer, my friends, is no.

I failed every single day. But I did the best to get up and do it again. Did I provide them with all they needed to face the world?

No. I did not. But I pray that God’s grace abounds (and it does) to fill in all the cracks of my shortcomings.

Did I love them unconditionally so that they can go out into the world and love others as Christ has loved us?

I wish I had. It certainly was my goal. But again, the answer is no. I am a fallen human. And the precise thing I have learned over the years is that I’m frail and God is good. And, as an added gift to all the gifts, my children are forgiving of my faults and encouraging of my strengths. I would love to tell you that you will become perfect at this. But it’s not our time for perfect. It’s our time for striving for perfection and that is what we can do - we must do - every hour and day of our lives.

And so, at this point in my story, I want to share my story. The next I don’t know how many posts will pour out my story if you want to hear it.

It’s therapy. I love you all. Would you like to walk with me?