Bonnie Landry

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God is cool

I will likely not always post things in order of their importance.  I prefer the completely random approach to thought.  However, being that God is omni-important, I thought it would be a good idea to start with Him.

God is cool.  I think God is very cool, and if you don't think God is cool, well, I guess you won't like my blog.

I'm good with that.

So, God made me.  He made me to know Him, love Him and serve Him in this life, and be happy with Him forever in the next life.  And, not only that, He made me a mammal.

He could have made me a newt.  But He did not. a fact for which I am daily and eternally grateful.  So, being born a mammal I decided to step up to the plate and do my scientific classification proud by acting like one.  For example, I produce milk.  And I feed my offspring with it.  Most of the time I rear and nurture them in warm and loving manner, a characteristic common to mammals.

It's important to receive gifts from God graciously and use them wisely.  So. with this precept firmly in my mind, years ago Sparky and I decided that, well, I had a womb...I might just as well use it.   And mammary glands.  So for nearly twenty four years now, we have been manufacturing and sustaining offspring with the help of no one save God.