blessings on endless blessings, welcome to a new school year

September 4, 2019 

As you know, or perhaps don’t know, I have been unboxing a lovely mom’s get together from last week, “gearing up for the school year.”

The first post revealed the murderers of joy and set out, one by one, to find ways to combat said murder of joy.  The second post is a continuation of the first, tackling that which gets in the way of joy. 

I will continue on with the list of joy-killers. 


I have an important thing to share. A new podcast has hit the airwaves, and I had the pleasure and honour to be interviewed on this very topic: gearing up for the school year. Our podcast host, Lisa – is a remarkable force and she teams up with Homeschool Connections to provide parent support, encouragement and community.  I love her. This is pretty big. Those of you who know me In Real Life will know that I have never been big on online homeschooling, and yet, after meeting the Homeschool Connections guy (you know who you are) last year at a conference I was speaking at, I was impressed enough to give it a try.  Big thumbs up from me, for sure. And now, And here it is, in all its glory. 

Homeschool Saints Podcast: Preparing for a Joyful Homeschool Year

Here are a couple of links to add to your roster of interesting things I’m about. 

Facebook group: Make Joy Normal

Another special Facebook group:  Homeschool Moms Who Drink Wine 

Back to regularly scheduled programming next post.

Bonnie Landryjoy, podcast, facebook