Bonnie Landry

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all the yesterdays ago

Years ago, one of my kids was trying to explain when something happened. I said, “was it yesterday, or the day before yesterday?” The child replied, “NO….it was all the yesterdays ago.”

So we know for sure it was a long time ago. Time is very timey wimey.

The fact that ten years ago I had a daughter in university, a graduate, one in grade eleven, eight, six, three and kindergarten seems actually impossible. It doesn’t feel like that many yesterdays ago.

It was fun. Mostly. These days it’s pretty quiet, but that has its own kind of fun. I often wondered what the leaving of the nest would look like, but it seemed so far in the distance that it was fictional.

Just today, this very day ~ it hit me that they are all, but one, off doing their adult lives. And that is good, very good. But oh, I do miss them today. I miss them every day, but usually in a good and happy way. Today, I miss them in a sad and weepy way. I’m grateful for both missing them so much that I’m sad and weepy AND loving them so much that seeing them be adults is beautiful and gratifying.

Don’t blink, my friends. Don’t blink.