Bonnie Landry

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goose eggs

Excitement is running fever pitch at the manor this day.  Today, Silas, Chicken Whisperer and his little brother Huckleberry found a goose egg.  We have one goose, and today, not only do we have in our possession one authentic goose egg, but we have proof positive that Huey (now Mother Goose) is  female.

Sorry to say, but this does not make her any smarter than any other form of domesticated bird.  It does mean that her status has been changed from being Frivolous to being Useful.

From a Pet to a Farm Animal.  Liability to Asset.

Whether or not her giant egg earns her keep I think we'll not bother even to determine.  The thrill of owning an egg laying goose who lays eggs is beyond price.

This practically ensures our family's return to living as it was in Middle Ages.
A harp, a goose, an herb garden.