Bonnie Landry

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Scout told me that she was concerned about showing my blog to her friends.  She said it was sketchy.  I have yet to meet someone who has given me a concrete definition of the word "sketchy."  I have come to the conclusion that it simply means, "a topic or event or place which is of a questionable nature; varying from one group to another in large degrees."

Scout said my blog was sketchy because I talk about reproduction.  Which isn't actually true.  Until today.  It is true that up until today, I have mentioned wombs once. And wombs can be used in reproduction, but its not actually the norm. Today, I will be discussing reproduction, class.


Make sure your children aren't peeking over your shoulder, because its likely to get SKETCHY.

Let's get started, shall we?

Mammals reproduce sexually.  Let me clarify.  This does not mean "in a naughty way."

It means that genetic material must be fetched and combined, in a variety of ways, I might add, some more interesting than others, from two separate organisms in the creation of a new organism.  Sexual reproduction is the primary, primary, mind,  method of reproduction for the vast majority of macroscopic organisms.  Ferns and sponges reproduce sexually.  How sketchy can it be?

Sponges are absolutely fascinating.  I highly recommend reading about the reproductive life of the sponge.  So fascinated am I by the sponge and their intimate relations that, before long, I am likely to write something short and pithy on the subject, so you can wait until then if you prefer an education on life sciences from unreliable sources.

I despise the word "sex."  And I can tell you why.

You can walk around in duck feet
You don't have to keep the dry

oops...a little Suessian slip.
"Sex" is so ambiguous.  I tried really hard to think of a superlative for ambiguous, but the best I could do was uber-ambiguous.  And you deserve better than that, really.  so I had to bold and italicize.

And flippant.  Uber flippant.  Sorry.  We use this one and the same word. "sex" to describe a massive array of behaviours.  From essentially any aberration or perversion you can think of, and some you probably can't think of....and its just as adultery, fornication, conjugal love and, my personal favourite phrase, the marital embrace.

I don't want rhe sacredness of the marital embrace to be described using the same term as perversions against nature.

I Don't.

To me, its the same thing as saying "went shopping" for many varied activities ranging widely in moral ramifications

Shopping, stealing, pruning your hedge, walking the dog, calling an ambulance, getting on an airplane, divorcing your wife, running down a pedestrian.

"What did you do today?"

"Oh...went shopping."  AmBigUoUs. Man.  That just...RRrrrrrr.

So, you may be thinking, what will she do about it?  You can't do anything about that.  It’s too big to try and rail against the culture.  Will she stand for it?

I WILL NOT.  That is my favourite line out of a movie.  It’s from Braveheart.  William invites Hamish to throw a large rock at him; a boulder really.  Hamish says that William will move.  William says, in his byoo-i-ful Sco-ish brrrogue.   I WILL NOT with this child like grin on his face.  I love that part.

I will not stand idly by and allow the culture to rob me of the ability to communicate effectively and accurately.
So, you ask, what am I going to do about it?  Well, if you really want to know, read on.

If you don't, don't read on.

I use different words.  The correct words, the more perfect words.  And, more importantly, I will teach those words to my children, so they can communicate effectively.  They will know the meaning of purpose of language and safeguard it.  They will teach it to their children and my many descendants, should God provide that gift,  two hundred years from now will be speaking it everywhere.

The ripple effect is huge.  I have seven children, they have maybe 20 or 30 or 40 children amongst themselves because they love God so dearly and desire His holy will.  They teach that love of God and that language to their children, and maybe  have 200 or 300 children, and they safeguard and the next generation and the makes me dizzy to think about it.  The ripple effect is massive!  I almost never use exclamation marks!  Only when something is actually worth exclaiming!

We have to think more about our descendants.  We have to think more of what we give our children, or what we don't give them. We have to think more about how we speak.  We have to think more about how the culture effects our world view.

We just have to think more.